lighting the fire

Ali McGill
2 min readJul 28, 2020

Teachers aim to light a fire within their students. Whether the student is attending the first year of formal schooling, or an adult in university or someone attending a course in photography, ceramics, mathematics, philosophy, the aim is the same. They light the fire within the student that ignites their passion to investigate further. It is generally useless to merely produce facts and figures in the hopes that the student will light their own fire. I have immense respect for those individuals who can educate themselves. I need almost all of the VAKGO way of learning — visual, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory and olfactory!

This global lock down has seen children being robbed of the daily school visit which helps to keep the fire going. Many are having to navigate ways of learning at home in difficult circumstances. For many, their bedroom has become their place of rest at night, their classroom for some hours in the day, and the entertainment hub of their lives.

It is not easy. My bedroom often has to double up as my office. I am as diligent as I can be about keeping my bedroom as a haven from the world, but like the millions of children across the globe, my private refuge has become a place that has to cope with this new way of life.

Parents and teachers have done the best that they can. Their best is not always enough though. Parents have been thrust into the role of educator when perhaps their own education is limited. Teachers linking digitally to those children who are privileged enough to have the equipment that is required for learning at home.

Those of us who are privileged enough to have almost everything we need, including a good education, need to perhaps be willing to light the fire within the young ones we know. I am unsure of how I can personally help a youngster, but as soon as I find a way to do so, I will come back and tell you.

It is important. To me. To make a difference.



Ali McGill

My passion is helping others to face their fears, examine their limiting beliefs and to discover their purpose, so they may also live a fulfilling life!